Welcome to the FC Cartagena youth academy!

On behalf of the entire club, we want to warmly welcome you to our youth academy. We are delighted to have each of you and your sons and daughters as part of our football family. Here at FC Cartagena, we believe in the power of sport to build character, foster friendship and cultivate talent.

Our quarry is a place where dreams come true. It is a vibrant and energetic space, where young players have the opportunity to develop their football skills, learn the values of teamwork and grow both on and off the pitch. We take pride in providing a safe and supportive environment for your sons and daughters to flourish in their passion for soccer.

From the FC Cartagena youth academy, we not only focus on sports training, but also on the comprehensive development of each player. Our highly trained technical team works hard to improve the technical and tactical skills of the players, while instilling values such as respect, discipline and determination. We strive to be a youth academy of excellence, providing players with the tools they need to reach their full potential.

We want you to know that we value your active participation in your child's youth experience. We believe in the importance of collaboration between parents, coaches, and players to ensure a positive and successful environment. We are proud to have a community of committed and passionate parents who support their children's growth in soccer.

Furthermore, we are pleased to announce that we have implemented an online management system on our website. Now, they will be able to carry out procedures such as registrations and cancellations, clothing payments and more, quickly and conveniently. We want to make life easier for you and save you time so that you can fully enjoy the experience in the FC Cartagena youth academy.

Throughout the season, you will be able to follow our news and events on our website, where you will find up-to-date information on training sessions, competitions, activities and relevant news for the youth academy. We encourage you to explore all the sections and keep up to date with what is happening in our club.

In short, we are excited to have all of you as part of the FC Cartagena youth system. We hope that your sons and daughters enjoy every moment on the pitch, forge lasting friendships and grow as footballers and as people. We want to be a starting point in their sports careers and accompany them on their way to success.

Welcome to the FC Cartagena youth academy, where dreams come true and soccer becomes passion!


The youth team of FC Cartagena

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